Euresearch Service Video
Euresearch Website
more information less informationOur main information portal on European research and innovation
more information less informationEuresearch e-alerts provide you with breaking information on the latest news, calls for proposals, partner searches or events. Thanks to our profiling system, you receive targeted information related to your needs. The past e-alerts can also be found in our e-alert archive.
Click here to create your profile!
more information less informationNever miss out again on important calls, events and other news on Horizon Europe and further EU programmes. Register for our newsletter today and you will receive an e-mail from us once a month. The newsletters can also be found on our website.
Click here to sign up for our newsletter!
Topic Preview
more information less informationWe prepare a summary for you with information on upcoming calls and topics.
Programme Factsheets
more information less informationWe offer you information sheets on specific European programmes.
Success and Impact Stories
more information less informationDive into the world of our researchers: Which projects were they particularly successful with, where did their careers lead after participating in an EU project? More here.
more information less informationThe Euresearch Network offers informative events all year long and all over Switzerland – in person and online. Our experts will inform or train you on all aspects that are important for you: taking a closer look at legal aspects, finding the right consortium, starting your project proposal, understanding Horizon Europe, having a closer look at the Work Programmes, and much more!
Most events are free of charge but registration is compulsory.
Individual Client Enquiries
more information less informationIndividual consultations by email or telephone, on meetings, on specific questions about Horizon Europe.
Social Media
more information less informationEuresearch believes in the value of open and constructive dialogue, and sees social media as a crucial place for today's communication.
Professional with Euresearch - LinkedIn Page
In addition to the Euresearch company page, we have several active discussion groups, such as Marie Curie Actions in Switzerland, Coordinators Club, Legal and Financial Issues, etc. Furthermore, Euresearch job offers are published on the platform and the corporate wall informs you about the latest news.
Informed with Euresearch - Bluesky, Facebook and WhatsApp
This 3 Euresearch accounts are a hub for news and events. It is dedicated to the entire Swiss community who are interested in knowing more about breaking news on European research and innovation programmes.
Euresearch Bluesky page Euresearch Facebook page Euresearch WhatsApp page
Visual with Euresearch - YouTube Channel
The Euresearch Channel on YouTube gathers film footage of Euresearch activities. Take the opportunity to watch and re-watch all our webinars, view the latest success story videos or watch the presentation film on Euresearch.