Digital Europe
As part of the next long-term EU budget (the Multiannual Financial Framework) the European Commission has launched "Digital Europe", a programme focused on building the strategic digital capacities of the EU and on facilitating the wide deployment of digital technologies. With an overall budget of ca. €7.5 billion, it aims to shape and support the digital transformation of Europe’s society and economy.
Digital Europe complements other EU programmes, such as the Horizon Europe Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, as well as the Connecting Europe Facility for digital infrastructure.
Swiss eligibility: for questions concerning the participation of Swiss entities, please contact at the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI. For questions concerning the Specific Objectives, please see the contact person below.
Further information can be found here.
Specific Objective 1, High Performance Computing (HPC): Peter Brönnimann
Specific Objective 2, Artificial Intelligence (AI): Otto Bruun
Specific Objective 3, Cybersecurity & Trust: Nadia Schürch
Specific Objective 4, Advanced Digital Skills: Brita Bamert
Specific Objective 5, Deployment, accelerating best use of technologies: Otto Bruun
Specific Objective 6, Semiconductors: Giudy Rusconi