Status of Switzerland in Horizon Europe

Swiss entities CAN participate in most Horizon Europe calls. Funding is provided by the Swiss government until Switzerland is associated to the programme.

Currently, Swiss researchers can apply to the ERC Advanced, Starting, Synergy and Consolidator Grants in the role of “Beneficiary’.
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Don't Miss Out on Horizon Europe Projects and Collaboration Opportunities!

Current Association Status

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Switzerland is currently not associated to Horizon Europe and is considered a “Third Country” to the programme. The start of negotiations between Switzerland and the EU in March 2024 activated the transitional arrangement 2024, which allows researchers in Switzerland to participate in the ERC Advanced Grants 2024 call as ‘Beneficiary’. Due to progress in the negotiations the EU has decided in July 2024 to extend the participation of Swiss entities as 'Beneficiaries' in the ERC Starting Grant 2025, Synergy Grant 2025 and Consolidator Grant 2025 calls. The Swiss Federal Council is committed to obtain full association to Horizon Europe before the end of the programme (2027).

Here you can find the current association status and development. 

The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) provides regularly updated information on Switzerland’s status on its webpage:

Contact SERI for further questions:
Hotline +41 58 463 50 50

How Do I Apply to Horizon Europe?

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You can participate in most of the Horizon Europe calls under the following conditions:

- You apply in the role of Associated Partner with the exception of ERC Advanced Grants 2024 calls, ERC Starting Grant 2025, Synergy Grant 2025 and Consolidator Grant 2025 calls where you apply in the role of Beneficiary
- All your eligible costs will be reimbursed by SERI as long as Switzerland is not associated to Horizon Europe. For the ERC calls that are open to Swiss researchers as “Beneficiaries”, your eligible costs will be reimbursed by the EC on condition that the Swiss association to Horizon Europe is finalized. If this is not the case, SERI will cover your costs as per the Financial Guarantee 2025.
- The Financial Guarantee for calls with deadline in 2024 for Swiss Participants in Collaborative Projects can be included in your proposal.
- For all those calls that are not open to Swiss entities, SERI has implemented transitional measures for you to apply.

Additional information: 

- The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI provides more details about each Horizon Europe initiative in its regularly updated FAQs (update on 04.07. 2024) and in its factsheet (update on 04.07. 2024).

- The legal basis for SERI’s funding is available here
- More info details on how to apply to collaborative projects here.

Contact SERI for further questions:

Hotline +41 58 463 50 50

What are the Swiss Transitional Measures for Horizon Europe?

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Swiss Transitional Measures for Horizon Europe – Direct Funding
- Below Graphic At a Glance: Transitional Measures (PDF)

Find more information about the Swiss Transitional Measures on the Swiss National Science Foundation and InnoSuisse website.

At a Glance: Transitional Measures
At a Glance: Transitional Measures

Promotion Materials for General Usage

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These materials are free for public usage at events, internal meetings, and/or any other occasions.

The  NATIONAL VERSIONS “Don't Miss Out on Horizon Europe Projects and Collaboration Opportunities!”
are intended for the following target group: Researchers and innovators in Switzerland from both the public and private sector who aren't aware yet about the possible participation in Horizon Europe.

And the INTERNAITONAL VERSIONS “Boost your Horizon Europe projects: Collaborate with a Swiss partner” can be used for the communication with European member states and countries associated with Horizon Europe, to inform researchers and innovators that researchers and companies based in Switzerland can participate.

Press Article
"Switzerland and Horizon Europe: The current situation at a glance"
in the BILAN MAGAZINE, 29.03.23 (page 3, in French)

Article in English
Artikel auf Deutsch
Article en français

“Schweizer Innovatoren und Forschende auf der internatinalen Bühne”
in the ROI Magazin, 17.11.23, (German)

Version national              
Version international       

Version national                  Don't Miss Out on Horizon Europe Projects and Collaboration Opportunities!
Version international         Boost your Horizon Europe projects: Collaborate with a Swiss partner

Slides (Powerpoint)
Version national
Version international

E-Poster (for digital screens)
Version national (horizontal)
Version national (vertical)
Version international (horizontal)
Version international (vertical)

Videos "Horizon Europe - a Swiss Success Story"

Prof. Edith Joseph,
Haute Ecole Arc Conservation Restauration - HES-SO - GoGreen Project
Version short 
Version middle   
Version long

Prof. Dr. Marc Donath,
Head of the Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism), University Hospital Basel
Version short
Version long

Prof. Dr. Philipp Schütz,
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture, Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Technology IME
Version short
Version long

Combined Video of all 3 Professors

Horizon Success Stories

Boost your Horizon Europe projects: Collaborate with a Swiss partner!