Newsletter January/February 2025

Switzerland and Horizon Europe – A New Chapter Begins
Positive developments in the negotiations between Switzerland and the EU culminated in Ursula van der Leyen's 20 December announcement of the full activation of the transitional arrangement. Starting 1 January 2025, Swiss entities can apply as "Beneficiaries" with EU funding to calls from the 2025 programme year on and can coordinate collaborative projects.
Until now, Swiss entities have had access to roughly two-thirds of Horizon Europe (HE) calls—now almost the full range of opportunities is open to them. In particular, the European Research Council (ERC) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), which support researchers’ careers, as well as the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator calls, targeting young and innovative companies in their growth phase. The transitional arrangement also unlocks the Digital Europe Programme and its calls in the areas of high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, digital skills, and digital technology deployment.
More than €35 billion will flow into research and innovation in the next 3 years. The HE Strategic Plan 2025-2027 prioritises the green and digital transition, and aims at a more resilient, competitive, inclusive and democratic Europe. It is now time to harness the new opportunities to accelerate your career with HE funding or activate your European networks and together address one of the numerous challenges our continent is facing.
The European Commission has already published the ERC, MSCA and EIC 2025 Work Programmes, and more calls are expected in the coming months. These will be accompanied by information and networking events—all excellent opportunities to interact with consortia forming across Europe.
The Euresearch advisors look forward to guiding you in your new role as Beneficiary, raising your awareness of opportunities, and helping you (re-)discover parts of Horizon Europe. Keep an eye on our events page and social media, and reach out to your Euresearch Regional Office or our thematic specialists at the Network Office. Euresearch is here to guide you through this transition!
Author: Francesco Kienzle, Director Euresearch
Illustration: Alexandra Rosakis