Newsletter July 2024

The New European Bauhaus Finds a Home in Horizon Europe
The concept of beauty holds a profound place in both science and architecture. Paul Dirac, a luminary in theoretical physics, famously said, "It is more important to have beauty in one's equations than to have them fit experiments". Dirac's belief underscores the idea that elegance and simplicity in science often lead to truth. Similarly in architecture, beauty is not just aesthetic but a harmonious integration of form and function that speaks to the human spirit. This intersection of functionality and aesthetics is a cornerstone of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative, which seeks to meld sustainability, inclusivity and beauty into architecture as well as into other aspects of the living experience (e.g., clothing and furniture).
Launched by the EU in 2020 to address climate change, resource efficiency and social inclusivity, the NEB aims to create spaces, products and experiences that are sustainable and aesthetically pleasing. The initiative was inspired by the 1919-1933 German Bauhaus movement that worked to unify all the arts and crafts disciplines.
There are many ways to get involved in the NEB initiative and some specific research and innovation (R&I) funding opportunities, open to Swiss entities, are already available in Horizon Europe. The 2023-2024 Work Programme sets aside €20 million to support R&I projects that align with NEB principles – advancing research in sustainable materials, energy-efficient technologies, and inclusive design – and encourages experimental approaches. Next year, a “NEB Facility” will be launched by the European Commission, with its own Work Programme and further dedicated funding.
As Ursula von der Leyen stated, "If the European Green Deal has a soul, then it is the New European Bauhaus, which has led to an explosion of creativity across our Union". Join this movement to redefine our future living spaces and experiences with beauty and sustainability at their heart!
Author: Matthew Whellens, National Contact Point for New European Bauhaus
Illustrator: Alexandra Rosakis