Newsletter November 2024

Guest Focus Article:
International Programmes to Support Careers in Research
Student Exchanges Can Kickstart Careers
In November, Movetia launched the "" campaign, which can be seen at universities and on social media. The campaign aims to motivate students to spend a semester abroad. This strengthens their personal skills and sharpens their profile for a professional career within or outside academia. Universities in Switzerland also benefit from these exchanges.
"Give your CV a boost", "Fancy a different culture?" or “The place to be” – these are the messages on the posters of the “” campaign launched by Movetia, the national agency for exchange and mobility, and in which 33 universities from all over Switzerland are participating. The common goal is to arouse the interest of students from Bachelor's to doctoral level in an exchange, to show them the personal and professional added value of a stay abroad and thus to increase international mobility. The vision behind it: All young people have an exchange experience, according to the common strategy of the Confederation and the Cantons.
"The Swiss education system is excellent, but in an interconnected world we also need to strengthen intercultural learning. Being exposed to a new culture and a different language are important experiences that make the difference on a CV for a first job," says Luciana Vaccaro, President of swissuniversities and Rector of HES-SO. This also applies to a research career: a semester abroad is the first opportunity to gain an insight into another university and make international contacts.
Swiss institutions also benefit from the exchange because it supports knowledge circulation. The exchange of students – for study or internship – promotes young talent and strengthens the network between institutions. Incoming students from abroad enrich Swiss institutions, create an international environment and motivate other students to gain experience abroad. Help kick-start your students' careers, make your contacts available and support mobility! Are you interested in organising an exchange or an international education project yourself? Movetia also has funding opportunities for professors, teaching staff and other staff of higher education institutions.
Guest author: Kathrin Müller, Movetia – exchange and mobility
Illustration: Alexandra Rosakis