General Terms and Conditions

Euresearch is financed by the Swiss Federal Government. They may request basic information (master data) on clients as part of an evaluation of Euresearch or for statistical purposes.
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Register to the website

By registering with Euresearch, users agree to receive information from Euresearch according to their interest profile.

When you register on our website, the following data is stored in our system:

- Your name
- Institution/company you are working for
- Contact information, including email address and telephone number
- Any keywords you set to create an interest profile

This data is used by Euresearch to understand your needs and provide you with services, in particular for the following reasons:

- To send you emails (e-alerts) corresponding to your interest profile, if you have signed up for this option.
- To contact participants who have registered for an event.

You may opt-out at any time.

Data and information entered by users will be treated confidentially. Processing of personal data complies with the applicable data protection laws.

You are required to select a password during the registration process. You are responsible for keeping your password secure and for all actions taken while logged into Euresearch website.

For registration and identification within the Euresearch website and related databases, the IP address in use may be recorded. We use this data only to tailor our visitor’s’ experience of our site, and do not pass data on to third parties.

If you contact Euresearch by other means than the website, your name, institution/company, contact information, phone number and email address will be stored in a separate database. You may opt-out at any time.

Other provisions

Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions:

Euresearch can modify the General Terms and Conditions, and the information and services offered at any time. The latest version of the General Terms and Conditions shall be published in a timely manner on the Euresearch website before they take effect. The electronic publishing of the General Terms and Conditions is legally binding.

Personal Images and Photos

Photos and videos might be taken at Euresearch events, and online events might be recorded. This material might be used for future promotions on Euresearch’s online and offline channels. By accepting the General Terms and Conditions, you agree to be photographed and/or recorded during the events you register for. If you do not consent to be photographed, please send an email at .

If you have any questions regarding your personal data, you can contact us as follows: .

Applicable law and place of jurisdiction: Swiss law applies.

The place of jurisdiction is Bern.

Go to Euresearch's Data Protection Statement