Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society Calls 2024: Info Event, Brokerage Event, and Pre-proposal Check Sessions
Calling all researchers in Social Sciences and the Humanities! An online Information Day being held on 5 October 2023 will provide you with an overview of upcoming calls and partnering tools for Horizon Europe, Cluster 2. This cluster covers numerous transdisciplinary R&I opportunities in areas such as Democracy & Governance, Cultural & Creative Industries, European Cultural Heritage, and Social and Economic Transformations. You will learn from experienced researchers who will share their experience on their own successful submissions and projects, as well as Switzerland’s Cluster 2 expert, NCP Jennifer McClung.
Target audience: The event targets Swiss-based researchers and innovators from academia as well as SMEs and other organisations active in technology-driven and/or social and economic disciplines related to the relevant fields of expertise.
A Brokerage Event will also be held online on 18 October 2023 to allow potential applicants to search for partners and consortia. A Pre-Proposal Check Session for applicants will be held subsequent to this on 8 November 2023. The selected pre-proposals will be reviewed by experienced evaluators and NCPs. The session consists of a 45 minutes online meeting during which evaluators will provide feedback and tips on how to enhance project ideas. Deadline for applications: 18 October 2023