Webinar on Transnational and Virtual Access Opportunities to Research Infrastructures
The 3rd webinar on transnational and virtual access opportunities to research infrastructures will take place on 28 November 2023, 10:00 - 11:00. The event is organised by RICH Europe (Research Infrastructures consortium of National Contact Points in Horizon Europe), in collaboration with GREENET (Cluster 5), HNN 3.0 (Cluster 1) and NET4Society (Cluster 2).
You will learn about the calls for access to the following research infrastructures:
- CanSERV – Providing Cutting-Edge Cancer Research Services Across Europe
- SoBigData RI – Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social Mining
- VIPERLAB – Fully connected VIrtual and Physical PERovskite Photovoltaics LAB
- PANACEA – Pan-European solid-state NMR Infrastructure for Chemistry-Enabling Access
No registration is needed, the webex link is provided in the agenda.