Bilateral Call Switzerland - UK 2024
For the 2nd time, Innovate UK and Innosuisse launch a bilateral call to foster innovation projects between the two countries. The project consortium must include at least one business entity from each country (UK, Switzerland) and one research institute from either the UK or Switzerland which jointly plan to develop a new product, process or technical service. If the Swiss applicant is an individual start-up (pre-market and <50 FTE), the research institute requirement is waived.
The call is open only to UK and Swiss collaborators and encourages innovation in, but not limited to, the following technologies:
- Life sciences
- AI
- Semiconductor applications
- Quantum
Join the webinar on 29 January 2024 to learn more.
Further information regarding the partner search and the funding conditions here.
The partner search is supported by Enterprise Europe Network (Ladina Schubert, +41 58 465 35 95)