EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility - Calls for Proposals 2025

The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Urban Mobility and the EIT Manufacturing invite submissions to their Calls for Proposals 2025.

EIT Urban Mobility Main Innovation Open Call 2025
- Focus areas: Urban logistics, Electrification of transport and alternative fuels, Public Transport
- Deadline 4 June 2024
- Overall budget €8 million

EIT Manufacturing Call for Proposals 2025
- Focus areas: Innovation (Industrial Challenges, Manufacturing), Education, Master & Doctoral School I&E Programme and Regional Innovation Scheme
- Deadline 8 July 2024
- Overall budget €15.7 million

Participation of Swiss entities is possible in both calls and in all focus areas, and funding of successful proposals will be provided by Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

Please read the call requirements in detail and contact our advisors for questions/doubts regarding specific aspects.