Partnerships in Digital
Support Platform for the R&I Partnership Community
more information less informationERA-LEARN operates a unique database of partnership initiatives, calls and funded projects.
Chips Joint Undertaking (former KDT)
more information less informationThe Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) emerges as a driving force behind Europe's semiconductor industry. By leveraging resources, strategic planning, and collaboration with Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe Programme, it positions Europe at the forefront of semiconductor innovation. As technology continues to shape our world, Chips JU is committed to ensuring that Europe plays a leading role in this transformative journey. Chips JU is the successor to the Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT), supporting its ongoing projects.
- Type: Institutionalised
- Predecessor: KDT JU
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (2025)
Go to the Chips JU Website
Published on the Chips JU webpage and Funding & Tenders portal
Swiss entities are eligible to participate in the calls funded under Horizon Europe (topics with “HORIZON” in the topic ID). You can find more information on Swiss participation in the Chips JU here.
Smart Networks and Services (SNS)
more information less informationThe Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) enables the pooling of EU and industrial resources in Smart Networks and Services. It also fosters alignment with Member States for 6G Research and Innovation, and deployment of advanced 5G networks.
- Type: Institutionalised
- Predecessor: 5G-PPP
- SNS Work Programme (2025)
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (2020)
Go to the SNS Website
Published on the SNS Work Programme and on the Funding & Tenders portal
Swiss entities are eligible to participate. For further information, please check here.
AI, Data and Robotics (ADRA)
more information less informationThe Partnership will boost new markets, applications and attract investment, to create technical, economic and societal value for business, citizens and the environment. By 2030, European sovereignty is expected in the development and deployment of trustworthy, safe and robust AI, Data and Robotics, compatible with EU values and regulations.
- Type: Co-programmed
- Predecessor: BDVA and euRobotics PPPs
- Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda (SRIDA)
Go to the ADRA website
Published on the main Horizon Europe Work Programme Digital, Industry & Space and on the Funding & Tenders portal
Swiss entities can participate. For further information, please check here.
more information less informationPhotonics21 aims to establish Europe as a leader in the development and deployment of photonics technologies wihtin the various applications fields such as ICT, lighting, industrial manufacturing, life science, safety as well as in education and training.
- Type: Co-programmed
- Predecessor: Photonics PPP (2014-2020)
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (2023-2030)
Go to the Photonics21 website
Published on the main Horizon Europe Work Programme Digital, Industry & Space and on the Funding & Tenders portal
Swiss entities can participate. For further information, please check here.
European High Performance Computing (EuroHPC)
more information less informationThe EuroHPC JU allows the European Union and the EuroHPC JU participating countries to coordinate their efforts and pool their resources to make Europe a world leader in supercomputing. This will boost Europe's scientific excellence and industrial strength; support the digital transformation of its economy while ensuring its technological sovereignty.
- Type: Institutionalised
- Predecessor: EuroHPC
- EuroHPC Work Programmes
- Multi-annual Strategic Plan (2021-2027)
Go to the EuroHPC website
Published on the EuroHPC Work Programme and on the Funding & Tenders portal
Under the transitional arrangement, Swiss entities are eligible to participate in the EuroHPC calls.
EIT Digital
more information less informationContacts
Eva Bøgelund
National Contact Point for Digital (Cluster 4) and Energy, incl. Euratom (Cluster 5)
Euresearch Network Office
Belpstrasse 11
3007 Bern

Timothy Llewellynn
National Contact Point for Digital (Cluster 4)
Euresearch Network Office
Belpstrasse 11
3007 Bern