National Event on Opportunities in Health Cluster 1 Horizon Europe

This event targets scientists and innovators in Switzerland interested in Horizon Europe Health Funding Opportunities in 2025. Following Horizon Europe programmes will be presented: Health Cluster 1, Cancer Mission, Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), EDCTP3- Global Health Initiative and EIT Health. How information on clinical work has to be submitted and support tools during proposal preparation will be presented. During this event we offer bilateral idea checks, meaning we discuss your project idea for a specific call and how to align it best to the specific call. If you wish to book a 20min bilateral idea check meeting thank you for writing us a mail to


Date 15 May 2025
Time 13:30 – 17:00
City virtual event
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If you wish to book a 20min bilateral idea check meeting thank you for writing us a mail to

Contact Information / Organiser

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Euresearch Network Office

Euresearch Network Office

Sasha Hugentobler
Belpstrasse 11, 3007 Bern
+41 31 380 60 06

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