EIT Health
Together with its partners, the EIT Health facilitates innovative solutions which will strengthen healthcare systems, promote better health of citizens, and contribute to a sustainable health economy in Europe. To maximise societal impact, their work is strategically focused across flagship initiatives which address underlying drivers of health.
Key Information
EIT Health has a pan-European presence via seven Co-Location Centres (CLC) and InnoStars. These hubs operate as strong clusters of partners and activity to drive a thriving ecosystem. Switzerland belongs to the CLC Germany-Switzerland.
CLC Contact Person for Switzerland: Christian Kunze. and regina.bach@eithealth.eu
EIT Health was established in 2015, as a ‘knowledge and innovation community’ (KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). EIT Health works across borders with approximately 130 EIT Health Partner organisations and thousands of start-ups and entrepreneurs.
EIT Health KIC Testimonial and Presentation at Euresearch National EIT Info Event
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Sasha Hugentobler
National Contact Point for
Health (Cluster 1)
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Euresearch Network Office
Belpstrasse 11
3007 Bern

Nicole Wyss
National Contact Point
Health (Cluster 1)
Civil Security for Society (Cluster 3)
Research Infrastructures
Euresearch Network Office
Belpstrasse 11
3007 Bern

Romain Muller
National Contact Point for European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator, European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) and European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT)
Euresearch Network Office
Belpstrasse 11
3007 Bern