EIT Urban Mobility

EIT Urban Mobility

EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Since January 2019 EIT Urban Mobility has been working to encourage positive changes in the way people move around cities in order to make them more livable places. EIT Urban Mobility aims to become the largest European initiative transforming urban mobility. Co-funding of up to € 400 million (2020-2026) from the EIT, a body of the European Union, will help make this happen.
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EIT Urban Mobility and Switzerland

Hub responsible for Swiss stakeholders: Innovation Hub Central – Munich, email address: 

EIT Urban Mobility Website and Contact


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Sasha Hugentobler

Sasha Hugentobler

National Contact Point for
Health (Cluster 1)
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

+41 31 380 60 06
Euresearch Network Office
Belpstrasse 11
3007 Bern

Matthew Whellens

Matthew Whellens

National Contact Point for
Industry and Space (Cluster 4), New European Bauhaus

+41 31 380 60 25
Euresearch Network Office
Belpstrasse 11
3007 Bern