European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP3)

The partnership aims to deliver new solutions to reducing the burden of infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa and strengthen research capacities for preparedness and response against re-emerging infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa and globally.


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Work Programme 2023
Strategic and Research Innovation Agenda (SRIA)

Infectious diseases; sub-Saharan Africa.


The total budget of the GH EDCTP3 JU will be of up to €1.6 billion. The EU’s financial contribution to the GH EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking will be €800 million. The EDCTP Association will contribute at least €400 million, and another €400 million is expected from other contributing partners, such as philanthropic organisations and industry.

Swiss Eligibility

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Swiss entities can participate in the EDCTP3 Partnership’s calls as Associated Partners from a non-associated third country. Swiss Associated Partners do not count towards the minimum/maximum number of participants. 


Swiss entities are not eligible for receiving EDCTP3 funding. However, Swiss entities can request funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (SERI) if the project proposal they are part of is successfully selected. 

Project Coordination

No. Associated Partners cannot act as project coordinators. However, they can be Work Package Leaders. 

EDCTP3 has introduced the concept of “Scientific Project Leader” within each consortium to ensure that all partners in the funded consortia have equal opportunities to lead the scientific work of the project. Swiss entities cannot be Scientific Project Leaders.

Further Information

Further information on eligibility, requirements, and funding rates covered for Swiss entities participating as associated partners can be found in our Legal & Finance page.


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Sasha Hugentobler

Sasha Hugentobler

National Contact Point for
Health (Cluster 1)
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

+41 31 380 60 06
Euresearch Network Office
Belpstrasse 11
3007 Bern

Nicole Wyss

Nicole Wyss

National Contact Point
Health (Cluster 1)
Civil Security for Society (Cluster 3)
Research Infrastructures

+41 31 380 60 04
Euresearch Network Office
Belpstrasse 11
3007 Bern

Open and upcoming calls

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Calls for proposals can be found here and in the Funding & Tenders Portal.

Calls and Budget

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