Partnerships in Mobility

Please find here more information on the European Partnerships in relation to mobility.

Clean Aviation

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Key information

This partnership puts aviation en route to climate neutrality, by accelerating the development, integration, and validation of mainly disruptive research and innovation solutions.


- Type: Institutionalised
- Predecessor: Clean Sky
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
- Clean Aviation Work Programme (2024-2025)

Funding Opportunities

Published on the Clean Aviation Work Programme and on the Funding & Tenders portal

Swiss Eligibility

Swiss entities are eligible to participate, for further information, please check here.

Single European Sky ATM Research 3 (SESAR 3)

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Key Information

The partnership aims to digitally transform air traffic management, to make European airspace the most efficient and environmentally friendly sky to fly in the world.


- Type: Institutionalised
- Predecessor: SESAR 2
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
- Bi-annual Work Programme (2024-2025)


Go to the SESAR 3 website

Funding Opportunities

Published on the SESAR Work Programme and on the Funding & Tenders portal

Swiss Eligibility

Swiss entities are eligible to participate, for further information, please check here.

Europe’s Rail

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Key information

This partnership will speed up the development and deployment of innovative technologies to achieve the radical transformation of the rail system.


- Type: Institutionalised
- Predecessor: Shift2Rail JU
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
- Work Programme 2025-2026. 

Funding Opportunities

Call for proposals can be found here and on the Funding & Tenders portal

Swiss Eligibility

Swiss entities are eligible to participate, for further information, please check here.

Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)

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Key Information

The main goal of this partnership is to increase the effectiveness of research and innovation, and accelerate market take up of innovative CCAM solutions.


- Type: Co-programmed
- Predecessor: None
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


Go to the CCAM website

Funding Opportunities
Swiss Eligibility

Swiss entities are eligible to participate, for further information, please check here.

Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport (ZEWT)

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Key Information

The main goal of this partnership is to use research and innovation to develop and demonstrate zero emission solutions for all main ship types and services by 2030 which will enable zero emission waterborne transport by 2050.


- Type: Co-programmed
- Predecessor: None
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


Go to the Waterborne website

Funding Opportunities
Swiss Eligibility

Swiss entities are eligible to participate, for further information, please check here.

Zero-Emission Road Transport (2Zero)

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Key Information

This partnership aims to accelerate the development and deployment of a zero tailpipe emission transport in Europe with a system approach.


- Type: Co-programmed
- Predecessor: None
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


Go to the 2Zero webpage

Funding Opportunities
Swiss Eligibility

Swiss entities are eligible to participate, for further information, please check here.

Driving Urban Transitions (DUT)

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Key Information

The DUT partnership addresses a complex set of urban challenges with an integrated approach to offer decision makers in municipalities, companies and society the means to act and enable the necessary urban transformations.


- Type: Co-funded
- Predecessor: None


Go to the DUT website

Funding Opportunities

Published on the DUT website 

Swiss Funding Agency

SNSF and Innosuisse (in the 2024 call only SNSF). Please contact the agency directly for further information 


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Manuel Bianco

Manuel Bianco

National Contact Point for
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and Mobility (Cluster 5)

+41 31 380 60 13
Euresearch Network Office
Belpstrasse 11
3007 Bern

Go to further funding opportunities in Mobility.
Go back to overview of European Partnerships.
